söndag 7 juni 2009

Guest blogger: Mahivi!

Mahivi just started to write for a newspaper in Argentina (her home country) about the life in Israel and on kibbutz Hazorea. This is the first draft she sent them, this is the introduction;

"Hello everyone!

My name is Mahivi and I am from Venado, Argentina. Moved by a chronic desire to see the world, I studied right here the career of tourism and an intense curiosity carried me to leave home as soon as I finished studying. Two years already passed in which I collected an already countless number of incredible experiences that, among others things, they have brought me to the place in which I am today: ISRAEL.

Mahivi BaAretz means in Hebrew (official language of Israel), Mahivi in the country of Israel and I decided to start with these stories to share with you not only my experience, but also the mental process that involves in itself to travel, also known as "MIND OPENING".

In the two years that I worked between Buenos Aires and Bariloche, with a short but significant period in Bolivia, I knew people from the entire world.
The youths that assemble their backpacks to jump into to the world, are always interesting people, and though according to their origin the tourists have their resemblances and differences, the Israelis are definelly "thing of another world". So strong were the experiences that I lived with them, so incredible people they are, that this generated in me an "almost need" of visiting Israel.

Israel is a tiny country, smaller than the province of Tucumán and with a population of only seven million. It is found in the Middle East, point in which they converge Europe, Asia and Africa, almost in the middle of the world. Among everything that can be told of this place, Israel is simply unique, its people, its history, its traditions, its situation in general it's not repeated in no another country of the world. Along these stories you are going to understand why is said that Israel has a certain issue about "names", in this case, for example, names with hardly weight in the mind of the people.

Upon communicating my decision of travelling to this country, my friends and family were considerably alarmed, since when one thinks about Israel, or more well in its "media version", it's used to think about war, terrorism, about Hamas, Hezbollah, about the wrong applied term "Zionist", about the Gaza Strip… And yes, all that is real here, but in this small territory this chaos coexists with an infinity of things a thousand times more incredible than the grotesque images that present us in the television. The people forgets that is also here where we find other names with their own weight: Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, the Desert of Judea, Bethlehem, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee and the Western Wall.Israel is that, a tight accumulation of wonderfull and terrible things, of spiritual and cultural contradictions, of intense past, unstable future and troubled present.

But most of all, is something very, very distant to what the media create in the minds of people that actually barely know something about this place. I invite you then, to discover with me that this country, as well as so many others, cannot be known through prejudices. The magic words are: Why not?, now open your minds and WELCOME TO ISRAEL!!!"

Mahivi Baaretz

To be continued...

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